The 1098S race bike

The 1098S race bike
A Ducati 1098S street bike converted to a race and track bike.

torsdag 20 september 2012

Lightweight battery

The battery was getting old and I know that NFR ( sells a Shorai lightweight battery at a good price. Installed it and it is amazing how much lighter the Shorai battery is. 1 kg compared to 4.5 for the standard one. (Approx 2 pounds compared to 9 pounds)
You just have to make sure you have the charger connected while not using the bike, since the Shorai is sensitive to discharging

fredag 14 september 2012

Racing gadgets

Starter and kill switch from Tecno Cable (sold by replacing the stock unit on the right hand side handlebar. This one is made out of alloy and will (hopefully) survive a crash better and anyways be less expensive to replace. Looks cool too...